Living Will
Living wills or Health Care Power of Attorney are written, legal instructions regarding your preferences for medical care if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. Advance directives guide choices for doctors and caregivers if you’re terminally ill, seriously injured, in a coma, in the late stages of dementia or near the end of life.
Living wills and Health Care Power of Attorneys aren’t just for older adults. Unexpected end-of-life situations can happen at any age, so it’s important for all adults to prepare these documents. At Rivertown Law we include these documents in all our Estate Plans.
By planning ahead, you can get the medical care you want, avoid unnecessary suffering and relieve loved ones of decision-making burdens during moments of crisis and grief. You also help eliminate confusion or disagreement about the choices you want people to make on your behalf.
Health Care Power of Attorney
A medical or health care power of attorney is a type of advance directive in which you name a person to make decisions for you when you are unable to do so. This person can be the same as the one named in your General Durable power of attorney or someone completely different. Its slightly different than a living will, in that it allows a person to make judgement calls regarding the treatment you are given, based on your instructions.
Living will
A living will is a written, legal document that spells out medical treatments you would and would not want to be used to keep you alive, as well as your preferences for other medical decisions, such as pain management or organ donation.
In determining your wishes, think about your values. Consider how important it is to you to be independent and self-sufficient, and identify what circumstances might make you feel like your life is not worth living. Would you want treatment to extend your life in any situation? All situations? Would you want treatment only if a cure is possible?
At Rivertown Law Our Team will listen and help you make your wishes known.
If you have any questions about your Estate Plan call and we will be happy to meet with you and tailor a plan that is right for you.
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