I’ve Been In A Car Accident: What Do I Do?

Getting in a car accident can be a very nerve-wracking experience, especially if you don’t know what to do if it happens. Being prepared and having a plan so you know what steps to take should an accident occur can help you keep yourself, your loved ones, and your right to compensation safe during this stressful time.
Check For Injuries
Once the initial shock from the accident has subsided, you should immediately check yourself and your passengers (if you were with other people) for injuries. If you’re able, you should get out of harm’s way and call 911 as soon as possible.
Collect Information
It’s important to collect as much information as you can regarding the accident. Take photos from different angles of the vehicles involved, any injuries sustained, and the surrounding environment for documentation. You’ll also want to note information about the other motorist involved in the accident, such as their contact information, their insurance information, the make and model of their vehicle, and their license plate number.
Get Medical Attention
Seek medical attention immediately after the accident if you haven’t already been transported to a hospital. Even though you may feel fine, that doesn’t mean that you’ve escaped being injured. Numerous injuries with life-altering impacts, such as internal bleeding and some brain injuries, aren’t always initially obvious. Seeking medical attention immediately after an accident protects both your physical safety and your legal right to compensation.
Call Your Insurance Company
Contact your insurance provider as soon as you can in the aftermath of the accident. Provide them with the information you have collected from the accident, but don’t offer any final statement regarding injuries and damages. Wait until you have been evaluated by medical professionals and have had your car inspected by a mechanic to make a definitive statement.
Contact An Attorney
Having proper legal assistance as you seek compensation following an accident is extremely important in making sure you get the justice you deserve. Car accidents can cause more than property damage – they could put your life and the lives of your loved ones on the line. Contact the team at Rivertown Law as soon as possible, because waiting to contact them could have negative impacts on your case.
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