How Long Does a Divorce Take?

How Long?
Many different factors can speed up or slow down how long it takes to get a divorce. Some of these factors are out of your control. Other factors are in your control.
Factor #1: Mandatory Waiting Periods
Nearly all states have waiting periods before you can complete a divorce. In South Carolina we have two periods depending on the time of case.
- South Carolina requires a one-year period of separation (living apart) before you are allowed to even file for divorce.
- If you are filing on a fault ground, then South Carolina requires a mandatory 90 days waiting period between the filing of your divorce petition and when the court will issue your final divorce decree.
Factor #2: The Amount of Conflict in Your Divorce
The amount of conflict between you and your spouse directly correlates to how long it will take to get a divorce.
If your divorce is uncontested (you agree on all issues), then you typically can finalize your divorce as soon as you have met your state’s waiting period requirements.
If your divorce is contested, meaning that you and your spouse disagree on some or all issues (like property division, child custody, or child support), it can take much longer to finalize a divorce. You will have to, at the very least, work through the issues in negotiation. This can take several months, depending on the issues. And if your conflicts result in the need for trial, then it can take many more months — sometimes over a year — to resolve everything in court.
Factor #3: The Complexity of Your Divorce
Complex divorces often take longer to resolve. If you have serious parenting issues, own a business, have significant assets, or if there are international or interstate issues, it can take a while to sort out the details of your divorce. It might take longer to obtain and prepare all of the information needed to get the full picture of your relationship and what your divorce should look like. You may need expert evaluators, a parenting investigation, medical evaluations, forensic accounting specialists, or other special information.
Speeding Up the Divorce Process
If you would like to speed up the process of finalizing your divorce, there are many ways to do so:
- Act early: One of the easiest ways to speed up the divorce process is to be prepared. Gather the information relevant to your divorce (financial documents, parenting information, etc.). Meet with an attorney early in the process to figure out what additional information you will need from your spouse or others in order to have a complete picture of your marriage and divorce. Later, if necessary, you can seek additional information that you need through discovery.
- Cooperate with the process: Cooperating with your spouse in the lead-up to, and during, the divorce can go a long way toward speeding up the process. Cooperation does not mean that you should simply agree to everything that your spouse is requesting. You probably should not. You should, however, follow deadlines, respond to requests for information, and communicate in a timely manner. When both spouses cooperate during a divorce, there are generally fewer court appearances. When everyone shares information and fully participates in the process, settlement discussions occur sooner and are more effective. This can be especially true in more complex divorce cases where you must gather and analyze a lot of information.
- Avoid unnecessary conflict: When couples are engaged in a high amount of conflict, there are usually more court appearances, and they are usually not able to come to agreements to narrow the issues. This can drag the process out for many months. Some conflict is often necessary. Do not expect to agree with your spouse on everything immediately. Instead, be guided by common sense and good legal advice regarding what areas to focus on.
- Try mediation in lieu of trial: If you cannot resolve your case by agreement, through mediation, or through another dispute resolution process, you will have a trial. Trials are often scheduled months or even a year after the petition for divorce is filed. Litigation can also take a long time, especially if a continuance is requested and issued (this is when one or both sides requests a postponement of the trial due to extenuating circumstances). Because waiting for a trial can take months, mediation is often a quicker alternative to going to court. Mediation allows you to meet with a third party to discuss the issues in your case and work toward agreement. The mediator can provide feedback during the mediation to help you evaluate your case and narrow what issues you and your spouse disagree on. Settling the case outside of court through mediation can save both time and money.
After You’re Divorced
There may be additional matters to address after you are officially divorced that will extend the time it takes to implement the orders set out in your divorce. These can include, for instance:
- Directing the division of any retirement plans with a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).
- Transferring titles of property.
- Updating your estate plan and changing the beneficiary designations on your insurance policies.
If are need of a divorce attorney contact the team at Rivertown Law, we have over 80 years’ experience litigating cases across the state. If would like to speak with an attorney please call 843.488.5600
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